If they really do start having the victims sign something about it being ok to notify the police, I can almost guarantee they'll couch it in terms of, "Having you sign this is a legal requirement, but it's entirely up to you whether you want to insist on your rights and drag Jehovah's name through the mud. If you wish, you can just trust in Jehovah and leave it in his hands."
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Elders School 2017: New instructions to handle sexual abuses?
by sp74bb inan informant in spanish forum, active elder in a congregation in madrid (spain) has posted new info regarding elders school 2017. important changes are to be done for "child" or sexual abuses.
doing a summary:.
6 New Kingdom Halls Built In The US This Year
by James Jack inon our local needs part tonight, the elder (on the local ldc), conducting the part, said he just got back from a meeting in memphis tn with members from the us branch rdc conducting the meeting.
they mentioned that only 6 new kingdom halls and 2 major re-models were completed in 2016.
"it may seem like a small accomplishment, considering under the old rbc arrangement there was some 700 projects on the average each year being done", "but, this is going 5-10 years of training to kick this new program into optima production".
under the radar
Interesting to note that Memphis is one of the places where a congregation's building fund was raided and their existing Hall was sold off. (Guess where the money went.) Now that congregation is being forced to meet at the same ramshackle Hall located in a bad area miles away that a number of other congregations have also been sentenced to. Many older ones simply cannot travel the distance or are afraid to be in that area after dark (or anytime, really). Oh yeah... that congregation's promised new Hall has been canceled. They're now being pushed to sell the property they previously bought for their new Hall and send the money to their masters in New York. If you point any of this out, though, you get the stink eye and are tagged as a trouble-making apostate.
upskirt voyeur a JW
by Luo bou to inreport was in nz news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the elders a measure of ones spirituality .
under the radar
But first: "Now Brother Perv, before we decide how to handle your case, we need more details so we're clear on exactly what took place. Was the worldly tramp wearing underwear? Thong, or granny panties? What color was it? Was it stained or torn in any way? Could you tell if she shaved down there? What color was her pubic hair? We'll need copies of all those photos just to be sure you're being completely frank with us. We need to take them home and study them a few days to decide if it constitutes actual porneia or just loose conduct."
Bro Knorrs Notes RE Disfellowshipping & Two Witness Rule
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
a fellow ex jw shared this with me.
haven't time to read them yet (i'm using my phone to go on internet).
under the radar
After they stopped announcing the precise reason (say, adultery) when someone was disfellowshipped, they went with "conduct unbecoming a Christian," and years later it changed to simply, "So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
I was at a meeting (long ago) where two people were disfellowshipped on the same night. It happened to be a man and a woman. In that instance, they had the decency to announce from the platform that the two actions were unrelated. I'm sure a lot of tongues wagged anyway...
Demonizes medical techniques and jws
by Crazyguy inso i remember in the 70s and 80s kenisalogy ( spelled wrong) was talked about as being demonized and wrong.
for those of you not familiar with the term it was used to describe alternative medical techniques used by some.
these could include massage techniques for healing, acupuncture, cranial sacral , aroma therapy, acupressure, etc etc... so my daughter has been dealing with a very painful condition and western medical has only one solution which is a bad one so we have been searching and using some of these other types of medical treatment along with a couple of others that are unique and would maybe fall under the umbrella of this term.
under the radar
oppostate, I know exactly what you're talking about.
Back in the 90's there was a JW doctor from Texas that was all about Applied Kinesiology. He really was a licensed chiropractor, but he went way beyond anything taught in legitimate chiropractic/medical school. For example, he claimed he had invented a "magic" box (about the size of a DVD case) that would detox and neutralize your allergic reactions to any food on a plate if you put it on the box for a few minutes. Of course, it could only work for so long and then you'd need to buy a fresh one. If you cut the box open (it was glued shut), the air would pollute the ingredients and it wouldn't work anymore. The sisters would almost swoon when Dr. Blanketyblank would come to town and "hold Court" at a local JW family's home so he could treat all the ailing sisters. Besides the box scam, he and his
minionsassistants would do the exact kind of testing you referred to. Last I heard, he got in some kind of trouble and doesn't come around anymore, but one of his former associates still does.She does the same bogus testing you talked about, but also touts Iridology. That's where the practitioner looks into your eyes and tries to interpret what every little speck and color pattern means. They ask things like, "Did you break your arm when you were a child?" Or, "Did you ever have such-and-such an illness?" Of course, if you say you didn't, they quickly move on to the next
wild ass guessquestion. If you said you did have whatever they asked about, they almost gleefully say, "See! I knew it! It's right there in your eye, plain as day!"Now, I have no doubt that this particular woman is completely sincere, but she does become very defensive if anyone points out how ludicrous such a diagnostic technique is. All the while, adamantly denying that she is practicing medicine. She is only examining a
patientfriend, determining the cause of whatever their problem is, andprescribingsuggesting whatever herb or natural remedy they should start taking. Fortunately, she just happens to have exactly what they need on hand, and can let them have it for a special price. You just know it's true because she once had a celebrity client and it did wonders for him.I think the Witness mentality makes them especially susceptible to "alternative" medicine and outright quackery. Many are big into conspiracy theories. "The AMA, or the government, or fill-in-the-blank doesn't want you to know this because it would cost them too much money. They want you to stay sick so you'll keep paying out all that money to doctors and the drug companies." Etc., etc., ad nauseum...
1 bilion property revenue since august 2016 and still they have not enough
by Gorbatchov inread in the new york business review that jw.org made 1 bilion property revenue since august 2016.. unbelievable, isn't it?
they are one of the richest religion organizations in cash flow, for sure.. the co asked us this morning to "overthink wat we can share, to support the work and make jehovah happy".. g..
under the radar
Just to be clear, I blanking HATE that money-grubbing cult!
But they do not have any private jet. The planes discussed in those links are just run-of-the-mill working airplanes, just like those used by many small businesses and individuals in Alaska. And they're NOT jets. They are simple piston engine airplanes.
I really don't like defending them on anything, but I did want to clear up any misconceptions. Every unfounded accusation from "those apostates" helps undo the good that exposing the Society's real evils is supposed to accomplish. It undermines our credibility. They'll point at one false (or overblown) charge and say, "See! If they lied about that, you can't trust ANYTHING they say! Don't listen to 'em! It's all lies!"
Just sayin'...
"New Light" and the Watchtower's quasi legal disclaimer
by jwleaks infound this interesting quasi legal religious statement at the bottom of this 》》》 jw.org page advertising "bible-based books and magazines":.
some updates made to digital publications may not yet appear in the printed edition.. glad to know that jehovah and the governing body have seen fit to inform the entire world that certain doctrinal teachings of "truth" may differ between digital and print edition of the watchtower magazine and bible-based books.
doesn't say much for the credibility of the guardians of doctrine.. confusingly, some of the doctrinal teachings, particularly in the online versions of bible-based books and magazines from the watchtower, have already undergone updates but these updates only appear in the new digital version of the new printed edition.. good thing we have a digital-only version of the "research guide for jehovah's witnesses" which is updated every year to contain all the references to the new teachings and interpretations of the bible.
under the radar
I'm not sure whether poster Richard Oliver is a blatant shill for the Watchtower, a shameless apologist for them, or just the king of rationalization.
All the things he mentioned are actually plausible, but we're not talking about variations between different language versions of a particular magazine issue. I think we all know the real reason online versions and reprints, especially those of older literature, sometimes differ dramatically from the original printed versions. Changes are made from time to time to alter or remove embarrassing or blatantly false statements.
Just one example: In the January 1, 1989 Watchtower magazine, on page 12, it says, "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." When the bound volumes of the 1989 Watchtower came out, the text of the January 1 article had been changed so that it now stated the work would be completed "in our day" instead of "in our 20th century." The only possible explanation for this change is that they wanted it to appear that they had never predicted that it would be completed in the 20th century.
I believe this policy of covering up earlier statements that are now embarrassing is the main reason the Society's online library only goes back a few years, to about 2000 or so. All that old light must be way too much trouble to edit out and rewrite, so the next best thing is to do away with the evidence itself. That's the main reason congregations were ordered to destroy certain older publications and are definitely NOT encouraged to have a collection of historical Watchtower literature in their Kingdom Hall libraries. I have heard of some congregations dispersing or destroying their valuable collections of early literature solely to keep it from "falling into apostate hands." Some of those older books are now so rare they command hundreds of dollars on eBay and such.
If this sounds familiar, just read 1984 by George Orwell. The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses, by Heather and Gary Botting, draws many more parallels and is an eye opening read. It was originally published in 1984 (coincidence?), but much of what it says is even more true today than it was then. Both books are still available on Amazon and the like, and you can often find copies on eBay as well.
Link to the English version of the Quebec (French) documentary, "The Kingdom's Dirty Secrets" (About JW's hiding child abuse)
by AndersonsInfo inhere's a link to the english version of the quebec documentary, the kingdom's dirty secrets that aired in canada at the beginning of december.
i was told that it's okay to share the documentary and post on social media.
under the radar
Thank you much for posting this, Barbara. It was very well done, and I hope it opens people's eyes to the criminal way Watchtower hides behind cherry-picked scriptures to protect its public image.
It needs to protect that image, lest bad publicity interfere with its true objectives. I think the Society's main goals are (1) accumulate assets, (2) protect those assets through various kinds of legal chicanery, and (3) maintain almost total control over it adherents by demanding absolute obedience and conformity, demonizing any dissent or questioning of authority, and even directing what they can read, how far they can pursue their education, and with whom they can associate. And that's just scratching the surface.
You can boil it down to two powerful motivations that have been behind almost everything that has ever happened in human history: money and power.
Living Vicariously Through the Sheep.
by donny inwhen i got baptized as a jehovah’s witness in the summer of 83, my honeymoon period lasted about two years before i began to wonder if the society and its adherents were all it claimed to be.
no of the things i encountered for the first few years was really faith shattering, they simply just made me pause and think.
after a short while, i would file those issues in the back of my brain files and move forward.. .
under the radar
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm gonna call BS.
I fully believe the elders can and do ask extremely intrusive questions, and some sure seem to get a vicarious thrill delving into all the juicy details. I have no doubt some of them visualize and replay the incident in their minds for their own sexual pleasure and stimulation. But I seriously doubt any elder would makes notes in the "Penthouse Forum" format that donny says he found. If any notes include intimate details, which they're not supposed to, it's a lot more likely the elders would go out of their way to use clinical or medical terms to describe various body parts and the way they were used.
That said, I'll be in my room...
Jeremiah 10:23 - "...It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."
by HereIgo ini have been accused recently of "trying to direct my own step" because of my questioning the org and refusing to come back to the "truth" for the past 6 years.
i personally still believe in god, i just doubt that he is behind the jw org, that's all.
why is that so hard for jw's to understand?
under the radar
"You're trying to direct your own steps!"
"You're too smart for your own good!"
"Why can't you be humble and just accept what the Brothers say?"
"You trust your own research and judgment more than the Brothers'."
I heard them all and a lot more like them when I was still mired in the cult. They were meant as something of a slight, but nowadays I consider them a badge of honor.